With the BLS Enhanced Warranty registered for a MCI™ SynAIRgPure and BLS HVAC Probe, you will receive the products and service you need to insure that your air purifying probe will operate trouble-free for the five
(5) year warranty period. Normal fee for this warranty is:
The MCI™ SynAIRgPure16K Probe has replaceable parts, consisting of the bulb and the cell. For optimum performance, it is recommended that the UV lamp be replaced every three (3) years (or when it burns out) and that the honeycomb cell be periodically vacuumed (it is a lifetime cell).
The MCI™ SynAIRgPure24K and MCI™ SynAIRGPure40K has replaceable parts, consisting of the bulb and the cell. For optimum performance, it is recommended that the UV lamp and DBI cell(s) be replaced every three (3) years (or when it burns out) and that the honeycomb cell be periodically vacuumed (it is a lifetime cell).
The HVAC mounted MCI™ SynAIRgPure Mini is designed as a fully customizable probe to provide the power you need for the environment. The MCI™ SynAIRgPure Mini produces aggressive multi-cluster ions that are then distributed throughout the living environment of the home or office while cleaning the internal HVAC equipment and ductwork.
MCI™ SynAIRgPure Mini
The HVAC mounted MCI™ SynAIRgPure 2.0 is the second generation of fully customizable probes to provide the power you need for the environment. The MCI™ SynAIRgPure 2.0 produces aggressive ionized oxidizers and multi-cluster ions that are then distributed throughout the living environment of the home or office while cleaning the internal HVAC equipment and ductwork. The new generation unit includes a more robust ballast, a vented housing, and 24v power for direct connection to the air handler.
MCI™ SynAIRgPure 2.0
The MCI™ PRV24K is designed as the AFD (Air Filtration Device) attachment to enhance the process of air scrubbing by 1) purifying the air as it is circulated in the containment, 2) ionizing the air in containment to speed up the scrubbing process and 3) evenly distribute the air throughout the containment to boost the effectiveness of the AFD.
The MCI™ PTAC/ETAC air purification product was designed specifically for PTAC/ETAC, ductless mini-split, and other HVAC systems where installation space is limited. The MCI™ PTAC/ETAC utilizes trademarked MCI™ (Multi-cluster Ionization) technology to destroy microbes and provide a cleaner, safer and healthier environment.